Saya memulai blog ini tahun 2015, saat masih intern di digital marketing agency. Ide-nya simpel, semua tulisan di sini adalah pembelajaran saya dari diri sendiri untuk diri sendiri.
Seperti yang dikatakan dalam sebuah pepatah Jepang: "Eat like a bird, poop like an elephant."
Another quotes that I liked:
I can think, I can wait, I can fast - Siddharta by Hermann Hesse
Timeline for context:
- 1995 - Born in Pontianak, Indonesia
- 1996 - Moved to Palembang, Indonesia
- 2012 - Moved to Bandung, Indonesia
- 2015 - Started this blog
- 2016 - Graduated from college and joined Skytree as my first job
- 2020 - Moved to Palembang, resigned from Skytree and joined Bytedance
- 2022 - Moved to Jakarta, resigned from Bytedance, raised pre-seed funding, and started KARUN
- 2023 - A rough year: stopped KARUN, moved to Lazada, and started my YouTube channel
- 2024 - Started BelajarGPT
- 2025 - Resigned from Lazada and moved to Evermos
Questions or thoughts?
Can email me at hello [at] williamjakfar [dot] com

Credit @Synthetic_Copy