13 March 2025, I am wondering what’s my purpose in life. I’m searching for my “calling”. But the more I search, I feel lost.
My mentor told me that I already left a breadcrumps of my calling, I just need to trace it back.
Everyone always have a repeating theme in their live. Some people in persistent struggle relationship, some are in struggle surviving their income, me is quite different.
I am fortunate enough to have balance struggle and privelege to make it until now. But I am an introvert who learn from observing others. If I can describe my coping mechanism to survive: “I’m not good enough hence I need to learn from the best.”
Sometimes this coping mechanism translated to toxic behavior. If I encounter problem, I feel the necessity to learn a new thing to solve it. On the positive side, I’m a very good learner, but on the other hand especially for important problem about people and life, I tend to avoid it because that is not something I can learn from book :)
Back to building business. Another pattern that is super important for me is what is your unreasonable spent (inspired by Tim Ferriss). Meaning what is something that people see as expensive cost, but I see it as investment. For some people it might be an antique painting, a car, a watch, or maybe a house. For me it’s a course!
Course tend to have negative conotation, especially if the course didn’t bring much benefit to the users. I used to think people that sell courses scamming others. But after buying a really good courses from Ali Abdaal and David Perell, I realize that a good course can be life changing!
I build BelajarGPT out of necessity of monetizing my YouTube audience with something COOL. It is based on my curiosity of AI and my gut feeling that people will just selling bad courses on AI, so I might as well selling a good one :)
But another reason is I also like to be surrounded by other people that learning the same thing. I really like how I can code, think, and learn from AI. I learn faster with AI, and you should able to do the same.