As every artist have their own art influences, I also do. Here’s the lists:

Seth Godin

Honestly I rarely read his book, but I listened to him through a bunch of Podcasts. He’s an epitome of great sage in real life. I really like his opinion about work with constraints, and questioning the status quo.

Derek Sivers

He is the inspiration of this page and mostly this blog. I admire how he can express his emotion in a very wide range and also do a lot of things at the same time.

Tim Ferriss

I listened to his podcast for more than 10 years. I really like how he frame his thinking with the right questions and experimenting himself to the fullest.

Charlie Munger

People only saw him as the Warren Buffet sidekick, but I think he’s way cooler. His speech about human bias is demythifying human based decision making and how human tend to make errors in judgements because we are just human.

Dieter Rams

I only view his art through Braun’s products. He also have simplest design and fashion style. He have this design commandment that I really resonate with. I always have a thing for minimalism.

Ali Abdaal

I learn to build my YouTube channel from his courses. Although expensive, it serve the purposes of enabling me to start my YouTube journey. From his courses, I also learn that it’s very okay to sell courses as long as the quality and the support is good.

David Perell

He’s the icon for internet writing. He’s been advocating internet writer since I don’t know how long and I attend his last Write of Passage courses. I could say that’s one of the best online course I ever attend. The quality is just superby. I also listened to his podcast and the quality is super amazing. He’s my inspiration for content quality.

David Heinemeier Hansson

The guy who created Ruby on Rails. I really like his structure thinking on how to write beautiful code and self sovereign. I also understand more about open source culture by understanding Ruby on Rails.

If you notice, most of my heroes is creating something, whether it’s a product, content, or a book. I notice this too. In the past I have heroes like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Andrew Wilkinson, Howard Schultz, etc. But over the years the admiration grew out and I tend to attached to authors and builders. It’s really okay to grow out yourself. Maybe I like simple entrepreneurship that serve the passion within.